Review-King Kong


  1. Hi Casper,

    You have started to work on the structure of the review here, so well done.
    Just make sure that your reader is clear what you are talking about - for example, after your introduction to the Hays Code, you go straight on to say, 'The scene was loosely adapted from different write ups, the scene was meant to be a horror scene', without actually saying what the scene is. Are you referring to the image above? In which case you should introduce the image, for example, 'The scene shown in Fig.1 was loosely adapted...'
    Also, I am not sure how your Fig.2 image is relevant?

    Just doublecheck the Harvard guide, so you are clear on how to format your bibliography; you need to have the author's surname first and then their initial, so for example
    Brownlee, J.

  2. Hi Casper - yes, it's clear you've applied some of the advice re. 'how to structure an introduction' etc and you certainly begin to set out the purpose of your review effectively. AS Jackie observes, the through-line of your review starts to wobble and I think you forget 'what the reader needs' from you - so, yes, the 'spider pit scene' isn't introduced or contextualised etc. Also - just in terms of the academic quality of some of your quotes... that Cornwell quote isn't really 'about' anything useful: remember what I said about quotes being 'batteries' - you plug them into your argument to drive your ideas forward; it might have been more useful to find writers talking about the issue of censorship. You need to ask yourself 'why' you're using a particular quote and what job it is doing for you. More to figure out, but improving week-by-week!


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