Concept Art-Compasition

In this lesson we learned about the composition, and how it can improve a drawing. To draw the audience into the art piece.  Perspective and the location of the objects in a thumbnail, can either improve it or ruin it. But the placemat of it is important.

I took one the thumbnails that I did before of the chosen city, and try to improve it so it would give more depth to the city.      

A practice of perspective and composition, I tried to create depth of view by using one point perspective. It didn't really work as well as I wanted as it lacked dynamic or more interesting use of the place within the thumbnail.  

This was the improved version of the initial thumbnail,  it did sort of improve the composition but it still needs some work on the view. I need to research Greek columns a the style so I can a better sense of architecture and the materials of the location.
